We’re Going to Meet (Framing in Three Scenario)

A work with spliced footage from "Je, Tu, Il, Elle" (1974) by Chantal Akerman and documentation video from a recent performance. The latter was a 3-hour event during an exhibition at Sorenskriveren in Kabelvåg, Norway.
For performance with the same title, see ‘Full Archive’.
Title: We’re Going to Meet
Length: 04:40
Year: 2017
Produced by: Nordland College of Art and film
Arctic Moving Images Film Festival 2018, Harstad, Norway
Paadmaan Video Event 2019, Tehran, Iran
Collection of Video Performances #1, Gorgan, Iran
Performer and Editor: Hamid Waheed
Voice: Tora Johanne Turøy
Documentation Material: Peter Gupta, Snorre Aun Sætereng
Contact for more info, screener request and further inquiries.